"Going down the toilet faster than an unwanted teenage pregnancy on prom night." Dr. Venture

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igured I ought'a put one of these doo-hickies here on the Packrat so here it is.


Race: Great White Satan (No, I am not politically correct I got other things to waste my time on.)
AGE: It's not the age it's the miliage. Maybe that is why I have people with shovels following me?
Height: 6 ft. 2 in.
Weight: 250 lbs.
Hair color: Tan
Eye color: Hazel
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Self Image

Current Residence: Near the Mistake By The Lake, AKA Land of the Burning River, AKA Cleveland Ohio USA
Political Alignment: Hmmm... A bunch of millionaires out for the working man... Come on, you truly believe they are going to sacrifice their profits for the sake of average people? Do not delude yourself, politicians will continue to say one thing and do another so long as their profits remain good and you keep re-electing them. Just look at the current gas crunch; we knew back in the 1970's something had to be done, but did nothing as profits were too good then. So, do you really think they are going to do a damn thing about the current oil crunch?

Oh yea, just as a special note to my fellow Americans wake the hell up get out there and vote already or shut the hell up about politics. Why let the minority of the country rule over the majority? By not voting your allowing the minority (voters who care to vote) to make laws, and policies that can affect you?
Religion: Spiritual but not prescribing to any one religion. For "when one talks of religion I see the lunacy of all sides declearing the will of God..." and when you hear this did you ever take note that people usually die suddenly afterwords?
Carnivorous: Hell ya! There is room for all of the Earthmother's creatures right next to the mashed potatoes!
Smoke: Yup. It's the slowest way to commit suicide I could think of; this way I get to enjoy the whole dying experience. I can quit smoking tomorrow, exercise all day and night, become a vegan, eat nothing but organic foods, and in the end I'm still going to die!
Medicated: Nope, have not been caught yet. MUahahahahahaha....
Hobbies: hunting, fishing, drawing (Landscapes and Architecture), took up 3D rendering recently, camping, and computer gamming
Intrests: Archeology, History, Palentology, Information Systems, Astronomy, EVP, Music, Nature, model railroading (though never took it up as a hobby).
Sense of Humor: Dark, but I find humor in all things and even during the darkest of times.
Personality: Just Trying to be human... Allow me to explain. We are supposedly descended from the noble ape family. However, have you heard of apes slaughtering one another? Aborting their babies because they cannot be bothered with them or as a means of birth control? How about wantoningly abandoning their children to the elements,or killing them outright?
Being human is in ones actions on behalf of others, whom may not be able to take action, it resides in thought, self-discipline, being responsible for ones actions, and in ones treatment of others at all times.


You can often tell alot about the person by what they like. So here are my list of favoirtes.

Favorite Books (no particular order) Favorite Computer Games (Current, no particular order) Favorite Movies (no particular order) Favorite Plays (no particular order) Favorite Poetry (no particular order) Favorite Music (No particular Order) bands, singers, songwritters...